SynthEyes Manuals

The SynthEyes manuals are available as PDFs from within SynthEyes on its Help menu; that is the recommended place and way to read them. The versions here are PDF to HTML conversions, which are necessarily a bit rough. The HTML versions allow search engines to spider the manual, which may give you a quick way (aka google) to find things (other than using the Bookmarks/Table of Contents and Search box in Acrobat reader). These versions are also more convenient for reading on narrow-format devices such as phones, Kindles, and tablets. These manuals are for the current released version, listed on the header bar above; if you're using an older version of SynthEyes you'll have to use the PDF manuals that came with it.

SynthEyes User Manual

This is the main SynthEyes User Manual, which also includes the SynthEyes Reference Material, ie breakdowns of all the views, panels, and dialogs. Covers automatic and supervised tracking of all kinds, but not planar or geometric hierarchy tracking, which have their own manuals.


Planar Tracking Manual

Describes planar tracking methods, which are used to track flat objects for tasks such as sign replacements. Also covers various planar tracking exports.


Geometric Hierarchy Tracking Manual

Geometric Hierarchy Tracking works from known meshes and/or motion hierarchies to do tracking directly on meshes, and also to use regular trackers to animate constrained hierarchies of moving parts. That might include body parts, faces, doors, wheels on cars, and other constrained movements.


Anamorphic Shots Guide

Instructions for shooting, tracking, and solving anamorphic shots, including how to handle Lens Breathing. Introduces “anamorphic distance”, the distance between the two different nodal points in an anamorphic lens, and how it can be determined in SynthEyes, and resulting workflow changes.


Sizzle Programming Manual

Sizzle is SynthEyes's native programming language; it is small, fast, and easy to learn for anyone familiar with typical scripting languages. The Sizzle manual has the complete object and attribute descriptions; python and Synthia use these as well so this is the primary source. The manual also describes SynthEyes's command-line arguments and similar integration features.


Camera Calibration Manual

SynthEyes has a large Camera Calibration subsystem to determine lens distortion and centering from dot arrays, checkerboards, random dots, and live shots. This manual describes how to shoot images to feed it, how to operate it, and what to do with the results.


Phase Reference Manual

Phases let you create a nodal processing structure for solving scenes, especially when they require unusual alignment or solving strategies. This manual describes how to use Phases, and what each variety of Phase does.


Synthia User Manual

Synthia is SynthEyes's amazing instructible assistant, which can perform simple English-like commands. It is an incredible way to perform small tasks without requiring traditional (Sizzle or Python) programming. And it can be easily taught to understand your own terminology and favorite operations, to accelerate your workflow.


SyPy Python Reference Manual

SyPy is a python module that lets you program SynthEyes using python. SyPy's incredibly flexible architecture allows you to control SynthEyes even from inside the python interpreters of other applications, simplifying integration tasks since no intermediate files are required.


SynthEyes easily is the best camera match mover and object tracker out there.

Matthew Merkovich

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