Known Issues

Here's a listing of known issues in the current SynthEyes 2024.1 build 1058. Generally these will be fixed in the next build. Just because something is listed here doesn't mean that it's new, just that it hasn't previously been reported. Let us know if there's something, especially a crash, that we should fix!

SynthEyes 2024.1


For feature suggestions, see the Sug button in SynthEyes.

SynthEyes Crashed

*ANY* crash is a very bad thing and we are determined to root out every last one. Read on for help now, and so you can help us eliminate further crashes.

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Requesting Support

SynthEyes support is offered through the Boris FX support site. Read our guide on what to send so we can help you best. Hint: Images and movies should not be sent unless requested.

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SynthEyes easily is the best camera match mover and object tracker out there.

Matthew Merkovich

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