Shooting Blue-screen

The client wants to shoot an actor against blue-screen with some markers, and insert him/her into a 3-D environment. Anything to look out for?

Beware of the client zooming in for the head shot, and taking most/all the trackers out of the frame. You need to keep 10-12 in view for a decent track (mathematically there can be many fewer, but that doesn't make it a good idea.)

The pure blue screen shots are dangerous just because the background is so featureless that if you mess up and have trackers out of frame, you can wind up in big trouble. And there's a tendency to put some marks on a back wall way behind the actor, focus on the actor, and wind up with a very flat shot with little/no perspective on the tracking marks. When this is the case a 2-D track is the right/only thing (using SynthEyes's tripod mode). Also the tracking marks are out of focus, sometimes to the point of invisibility.

For a higher probability of success, you want the shot to encompass the presenter from a distance, so that tracking marks can be seen not only on the back wall, but on the floor and possibly side walls, depending on camera motion. Having trackers visible at a variety of depths makes tracking much more sane. You don't have to use every tracking mark, so feel free to have plenty. Odds are that a moving-camera shot will move the field of view around so that only a fraction of them are visible at a time, unless it has been knowledgably planned. If there's a desk or other props in the scene, that can be helpful, as long as it has some trackable features. 

You can have things hanging from the ceiling (but not waving around) and mounted on light stands.

The cleverest tracking mark is a small square or circle the same color as the screen, but darker. You can still key it out, but SynthEyes can still find it. Be sure to test your setup in advance of the main shoot to make sure the marks aren't too small or too close to the background to be visible if they are out of focus or washed out a bit.

SynthEyes easily is the best camera match mover and object tracker out there.

Matthew Merkovich

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