Contact Us

For SynthEyes sales and upgrade assistance, contact Boris FX sales.

Looking for support? For installation support and licensing-related support, see the Boris FX support site or contact Boris FX technical support.

For technical support for syflo/syflo2 (non-RLM) floating licenses, email “support” at this website.

For technical support not related to installation or licensing, consult the SynthEyes manuals (try the search box at top right) and the Boris FX support site first.

For further technical support, contact Boris FX technical support, following our guide to How to ask for help, so that we may answer without having to request further information. (Purely textual questions rarely provide enough information for a meaningful answer.) Do not send actual shot images unless specifically requested.

For other inquiries, contact Boris FX.

SynthEyes easily is the best camera match mover and object tracker out there.

Matthew Merkovich

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